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Expertendatenbank Migration

Die Expertendatenbank des Netzwerks Migration in Europa e.V. wird überarbeitet. Anfragen können aus diesem Grund zurzeit nicht beantwortet werden. Wie bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Die Aktualisierung bereits bestehender Einträge kann über den persönlichen Zugang erfolgen, Neuanmeldungen sind bis Juli 2015 nicht möglich. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.

The Expert Database of the Network Migration in Europe e.V. is on revision. For this reason queries can't be answered currently. We are sorry for this. Already existing entries can be updated via personal access, new registrations are not possible until July 2015. Thank you for your understanding.


Dr. Boris Divinsky

Born 1974 Boris Divinsky studied human geography at the Comenius University in Bratislava. After several positions and fellowships also abroad (ULB Brussels), he was commissioned in 2003 by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to carry out the first comprehensive survey of migration and foreigners in Slovakia, elaborated in English. This was followed by the first in the country (written in Slovak), larger, deeper and even more comprehensive research on the impacts of international migration on Slovak society (and vice versa), carried out in 2005 through the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. In 2007, he made the first comprehensive research of labour emigration/immigration from/to Slovakia for IOM. He focuses generally on the issues of immigration, net migration, asylum, integration of foreigners, labour migration, acquiring citizenship, State migration policies, institutional and legal aspects, the public opinion of majority population, xenophobia and social exclusion of foreigners, migrants organizations and their political participation, and many other questions referring to international migration in Slovakia. He also co-chairs the Working Group for Justice and Home Affairs within the National Convent on the EU (consultative body for the Slovak Government and Parliament since 2004). In fact, he is the only researcher engaged full-time in the area of international migration in Slovakia.

Key activities



Independent researcher, IOM consultant
Dr. Boris Divinsky


