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Expertendatenbank Migration

Die Expertendatenbank des Netzwerks Migration in Europa e.V. wird überarbeitet. Anfragen können aus diesem Grund zurzeit nicht beantwortet werden. Wie bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Die Aktualisierung bereits bestehender Einträge kann über den persönlichen Zugang erfolgen, Neuanmeldungen sind bis Juli 2015 nicht möglich. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.

The Expert Database of the Network Migration in Europe e.V. is on revision. For this reason queries can't be answered currently. We are sorry for this. Already existing entries can be updated via personal access, new registrations are not possible until July 2015. Thank you for your understanding.


Dr. Annett Fleischer

In April 2010 I completed my PhD at the Institute of Social Anthropology at Free University Berlin, Germany. My doctoral thesis with the title "Making Families among Cameroonian ‚Bush Fallers’ in Germany: Marriage, Migration, and the Law" analyzes the interplay of transnational mobility, marriage, family, and kinship among migrants, and the overarching legal framework of immigration. My work makes a special contribution by complementing the existing literature on the transnational migration with perspectives on marriage strategies of male migrants and reproductive practices of female migrants. Currently, I am working in the Cross-Regional Information System on the Reintegration of Migrants in their Countries of Origin (CRIS) project which is hosted at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute (EUI). By combining a top-down with a bottom-up approach to return migration, CRIS sets out to address the factors and conditions shaping returnees’ patterns of reintegration in their countries of origin. More specifically, it explains: 1- Why some return migrants contribute to development and successfully reintegrate back home, whereas others do not. 2- How policies and state-led mechanisms impact on return migrants´ fundamental rights and existing realities in their broadest sense.

Key activities



European University Institute (EUI) and Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Annett Fleischer

99817 Eisenach

http:/ / www.eui.eu/ DepartmentsAndCentres/ RobertSchumanCentre/ People/ AcademicAssistants/ Index.aspx
