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Expertendatenbank Migration

Die Expertendatenbank des Netzwerks Migration in Europa e.V. wird überarbeitet. Anfragen können aus diesem Grund zurzeit nicht beantwortet werden. Wie bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Die Aktualisierung bereits bestehender Einträge kann über den persönlichen Zugang erfolgen, Neuanmeldungen sind bis Juli 2015 nicht möglich. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.

The Expert Database of the Network Migration in Europe e.V. is on revision. For this reason queries can't be answered currently. We are sorry for this. Already existing entries can be updated via personal access, new registrations are not possible until July 2015. Thank you for your understanding.


Dr. Basak Bilecen

Born 1982; she earned her BA degree in International Relations from Koc University in Istanbul. Her honors project was about the comparison of citizenship regimes as a result of international migration in Europe, Canada and Australia. She earned her master´s degree in Sociology from the University of Amsterdam (IMES) in Migration and Ethnic Studies. Her master thesis´ topic was the networks of human smuggling which operate between the Middle East and the European Union. She focused on smuggled migrants in the Netherlands coming from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan while highlighting the significance of Turkey as a major transit zone. In 2012 she earned her doctoral degree from University of Bielefeld (BGHS) in Sociology. Her dissertation is about social support networks and identification of international PhD students in Germany.

Currently she is working at Bielefeld University in Collaborative Research Center ´From Heterogeneities to Inequalities´ and conducting research on informal social protection ties of Turkish migrants.

She is interested at international doctoral students as a subset of highly-skilled migrants, their transnational networks and changing identities. She has been teaching at Bielefeld University since 2007 about diverse subjects in international migration issues concerning irregular and transit migration, transnational studies, theories and policies of migration as well as social inequality.

Key activities



Bielefeld University
Dr. Basak Bilecen

33615 Bielefeld

http:/ / www.uni-bielefeld.de/ %28en%29/ tdrc/ ag_comcad/ team/ bilecen.html
