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Expertendatenbank Migration

Die Expertendatenbank des Netzwerks Migration in Europa e.V. wird überarbeitet. Anfragen können aus diesem Grund zurzeit nicht beantwortet werden. Wie bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Die Aktualisierung bereits bestehender Einträge kann über den persönlichen Zugang erfolgen, Neuanmeldungen sind bis Juli 2015 nicht möglich. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.

The Expert Database of the Network Migration in Europe e.V. is on revision. For this reason queries can't be answered currently. We are sorry for this. Already existing entries can be updated via personal access, new registrations are not possible until July 2015. Thank you for your understanding.


Zapata Ricard

His main lines of research deal with contemporary problems of liberal democracy in contexts of cultural diversity, especially the relationship between democracy, citizenship and immigration. He has published several articles and chapters in journals and edited books. Director of the research group on immigration and political innovation (Grup de Recerca sobre immigració i innovació política (GRIIP)). His early reflections include: Multiculturalidad e inmigración (ed. Síntesis, 2004), Inmigración, innovación política y cultura de acomodación en España: Un análisis comparativo entre Andalucía, Cataluña, la Comunidad de Madrid y el Gobierno Central (ed. Cidob, 2004), Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A European Approach (Routledge, 2006) (Co-edited with T. Modood and A. Triandafyllidou), La Inmigración en naciones minoritarias: Flandes, el Québec, y Cataluña en perspectiva (Barcelona. Icaria), (ed.) Conceptos Políticos en el contexto español (ed. Síntesis) (2007), (ed.) Immigració i autogovern (ed. Proa) (2007) (eds.) Discursos sobre la inmigración en España: los medios de comunicación, los Parlamentos y las Administraciones (Ediciones Cidob, 2007, co-edited with T. Van Dijk), Fundamentos de los discursos políticos sobre la inmigración (forthcoming, 2008) He is currently working on different lines of research: the link between two types of cultural pluralisms: immigration and national minorities, the political theory of borders, the regional euromediterranean politics of immigration, the political discourses on immigration. He is working on research programmes financed by the Ministry of Education and Science and the European Union (Sixth Framework Programme).

Key activities



Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Zapata Ricard

Sant Pol de Mar