Call for papers





EU Transatlantic Security Roundtable 4

Educating for Migrant Integration - Integrating Migration into Education: European and North American Comparisons

International Conference of the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES), Munk Centre, University of Toronto and the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany and the Network Migration in Europe

Munk Centre, University of Toronto, September 21st to 24th, 2006

organized by
Randall Hansen, Chair in Immigration & Governance, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto
Hanna Schissler, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research
Phil Triadafilopoulos, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto
Rainer Ohliger, Network Migration in Europe, Berlin



all papers as zip:

Cristina Allemann-Ghionda
Intercultural Education between Theory and Practice: Accepting Diversity while Cultivating Difference? A Comparative View

Carola Burkert
In-Firm Vocational Training in Germany and its Effects on the Integration of Migrant Youths

Elise Féron
Uncivilized/Disintegrated Migrants? The Construction of Migrants in Official Discourses and Policies on Education: A France-Denmark Comparison

Mérove Gijsberts
School Achievement of Immigrant Children in the Dutch Educational System, 1988-2002

Jorge Ginieniewicz and Daniel Schugurensky
Educating for Political Integration: Latin American Immigrants and A Look at Canada

Edmund T. Hamann and Juan Sanchez
Lessons about Poverty, Schooling, Vulnerability, Migration and Resilience from Mexican Students with Transnational School Experience

Anu Hirsiaho
Adult Literacy, Citizenship and the Rhetoric of ‘Social Inclusion’: How to Deal with Institutional Silences?

Maryan Koehler
The Role of Education in Teaching Norms and Values to Newcomers: An Analysis of Integration Policy in the Netherlands

Ewa Kowalski
Integrating Immigrant and Ethnic/Minority Students into Schools: A Comparative Overview of Policies and Initiatives in Eastern and Central Europe and Canada

Jerome Krase
Seeing Community in a Multicultural Society: The Peopling of New York City

Collab2 film clips:

Film Clips anonymous:

Sabine Mannitz
Immigrant Pupils in Germany: Between Stigma and Self-Help?

J. Lynn McBrien
Serving the Needs of Refugee Youths: A Program Evaluation

Rainer Ohliger and Richard Traunmüller
Towards Multiple Pasts: Teaching History and Politics in Germany’s Immigration Society


D. Elaine Pressman
Measuring and Countering Failed Integration and Radicalization in The Netherlands: Can Education Play a Role?

Elizabeth Quintero
Refugee and Immigrant Family Voices: Experience and Education

Shamit Saggar
Integration politics and educational policy levers

Hanna Schissler
Tolerance is Not Enough. Migrants in German School Textbooks Between Stigma and Agency

Janina Söhn
Why Different Immigrant Groups Perform Differently at School: The Case of Ethnic German Resettlers

Anna Marta Stepien
Islamic Religious Instruction at Public Schools in Austria

Kyriaki Topidi
Minority Education Reform in the Baltics: Integration versus Assimilation

Kathryn Underwood
Inclusive Education versus Special Education: Implications for Migrant Students in Ontario

Almuth Wietholtz
The Educational ‘Integration’ of Ethnic Minority Children in Germany and in the UK: Moving from ‘Ethnicity’ to a ‘Class’ Policy?