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Expertendatenbank Migration

Die Expertendatenbank des Netzwerks Migration in Europa e.V. wird überarbeitet. Anfragen können aus diesem Grund zurzeit nicht beantwortet werden. Wie bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Die Aktualisierung bereits bestehender Einträge kann über den persönlichen Zugang erfolgen, Neuanmeldungen sind bis Juli 2015 nicht möglich. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.

The Expert Database of the Network Migration in Europe e.V. is on revision. For this reason queries can't be answered currently. We are sorry for this. Already existing entries can be updated via personal access, new registrations are not possible until July 2015. Thank you for your understanding.


Dr. Thomas Liebig

Thomas Liebig, a German national, is Senior Migration Specialist in the International Migration Division of the OECD’s Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs in Paris. Since joining the division in 2004, he has been working on the integration of immigrants and their children, the analysis of migration trends, the management of labour migration and the economic impact of migration. He is currently in charge of the OECD work on the integration of immigrants, including the joint EU-OECD indicators of immigrant integration. He recently co-authored the OECD reviews on the management of labour migration in Germany and New Zealand, work on Austria and Canada is ongoing. Other recent work included a first-ever comparative overview of the fiscal impact of migration in OECD countries and an analysis of evolution, characteristics and labour market impact of free mobility in Europe.

Thomas Liebig, a German national, holds a doctorate and an MSc in Economics from the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). His dissertation, published in 2004, dealt with the international competition for highly-skilled migrants. He also holds an MSc in International Affairs and, following studies at the ESADE (Barcelona/Spain), a CEMS Master in International Business Management. Prior to joining the International Migration Division, he worked as a consultant for the OECD’s Economics Department in 2000 and as a Research Associate in the Institute for Labour Economics and Labour Law at the University of St. Gallen from 2001-2004. Numerous publications and lectures on migration and integration issues.

Key activities



Dr. Thomas Liebig
2, rue André-Pascal
F-75775 Paris Cedex 16
Tel: +33-1-45-24-90 68; Thomas.Liebig@oecd.org